22.11.2011 в 13:10
Пишет Taho:Шпаргалка. Баян, но...
Запомнив несколько нехитрых пунктов, в компании не слишком близкой к изо, вы сможете прослыть знатоком и вообще)) Итак...
1. Если видишь на картине темный фон и всяческие страдания на лицах - это Тициан.

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URL записиЗапомнив несколько нехитрых пунктов, в компании не слишком близкой к изо, вы сможете прослыть знатоком и вообще)) Итак...
1. Если видишь на картине темный фон и всяческие страдания на лицах - это Тициан.

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27.11.2011 в 23:13
Пишет Taho:60-Second Adventures in Thought
Кот Шредингера, Парадокс близнецов и другие мысленные эксперименты в интересном видео. На английском.
URL записиКот Шредингера, Парадокс близнецов и другие мысленные эксперименты в интересном видео. На английском.
29.11.2011 в 18:43
Пишет Taho:Легендарные фотографии журнала Life

URL записи Подборка знаменитых фотографий журнала "Лайф", в разные годы публиковавшихся на его обложке.
Кукольное представление (The Puppet Show). Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1963
На кукольном представлении в пирижском парке, момент убийства змея Святым Георгием.

вторник, 29 ноября 2011
1. Трактор мчался по полю, слегка попахивая…
2. Летом мы с пацанами ходили в поход с ночевкой, и с собой взяли только
необходимое: картошку, палатку и Марию Ивановну.
3. Умер М.Ю.Лермонтов на Кавказе, но любил он его не поэтому!
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2. Летом мы с пацанами ходили в поход с ночевкой, и с собой взяли только
необходимое: картошку, палатку и Марию Ивановну.
3. Умер М.Ю.Лермонтов на Кавказе, но любил он его не поэтому!
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I collect friends. I have about three"
I've got loads of ideas. I just have no idea what to do with those ideas
Take showers and change your underwear. That can impress women
It depends on love, because I don’t believe there should be only one word in the vocabulary for love, which is love. Because love is always different with different people, it’s based on different things"
I love hearts. They are symbols for life, love and humanity
Love is the funeral of hearts. Falling in love is the best way to kill your heart because then it`s not yours anymore. It`s laid in a coffin, waiting to be cremated
Women are always beautiful.
There`s always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they`re beautiful mistakes.
Music always starts with silence
'I love you', those three words are the beginning of every tragedy
When you do something, do it all the way
I need soul mates so that I can be who I am, naked. It’s not a question of gender. I want there to be someone who picks up my heavy, bleeding heart and takes it somewhere safe and warm.
To get rid of the demons or whatever you want to call it, you don't necessarily get rid of them, but you kind of can see them outside of yourself. So you get something ugly outside from yourself in front of you, on a piece of paper or in a song or whatever.
Everybody’s a piece of art. Everybody’s got a story to tell. Everybody tells it in different ways, some people tell it the way they walk, some people tell it the way they talk or the way they smile.
Love, and relationships in general. That’s the only force that keeps my world turning, so it’s obvious for me to write about it. You can never pick the person you fall in love with. Love knocks on your door and smashes its velvety hammer in your face, and you’re hooked.
There's always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they're beautiful mistakes.
I don’t know anything about life yet. Life is like a puzzle and my pieces are spread all over the world. I don’t have a clue about how the final picture will look when I put all the pieces together. Life is short and love is over in the morning.
That's the best way, and the easiest way to ruin a day, to expect anything to happen.
Life is never easy. But it's good to know that as hard as it is, it is just as hard for everybody. There's always somebody feeling at least as horrible as you do.
People are bastards, but they're lovely bastards.
You have to destroy yourself and then put the pieces back together to be even able to love!
It’s not impossible… you just have to find the right partner. And I’m still looking for that person. Even though I’m getting the feeling that I’m not made for long-term relationships- that’s why it never lasts long for me. But you should never forget: If someone seriously means something to you it doesn’t matter where you are. When you close your eyes and go to bed you are thinking of the person you truly love!
I read bits and pieces. But good conversations in a bar can be poetry. I keep my eyes and ears open. There are a lot of things to write about. It’s always hard to put your emotions and feelings into words; it’s a challenge. But I’m thankful to be challenged when it comes to that.
It’s like a relationship: you should enjoy things while they last. Hopefully, they’ll last the rest of your life, but there are no guarantees.
It’s a miraculous journey: the song, from me, sitting on the floor in my underwear; just woken up with a cup of coffee and a cigarette in my mouth, strumming an acoustic guitar. Seeing that little tiny idea travel at light speed to when it’s actually played on the radio and we’re shooting a video for it. It’s miraculous! I definitely don’t want to destroy any of the magic behind that.”
At the end of the day I just want to be happy
I’ve been trying to understand the world outside me and whitin me for the past 18 years by writing songs. That’s my self therapy. It’s what I have been doing since I was a kid. Whenever I get into a gloomy mood I start writing a song and that usually makes me feel better. It helps me get some of the demons exorcised out of me. Song writing helps me continue to live and it’s an essential path of existence for me.
Music is something that never turns its back on me.
The most important things are that you are honest with yourself and that making music comes from your heart
Music is my ticket to get away from everyday life.
Isn’t love so wonderfully difficult? I always think everything through heart
There are many important things in life. And there is many different kind of love out there. But I have to say that love is really important.
Melancholy is nothing negative, it is a positive feeling. It has nothing to do with depressions, it' s a feeling for longing.
When you start losing what you love the most, that’s the time to do something.
Its like you've got to destroy something beautiful to rebuild something even more beautiful.Its devastating to me, but its devastating to me in a peculiarly beautiful way.Its like Edward Munch's ''The Scream'' - but with pastel colors
Good relationships are based on...eternal suffering
There's always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they're beautiful mistakes.
Love is madness, you can't put it in doses, it either surges over or under.
Music's the only love that has never left me
Silence is more like a spiritual thing: A moment when your heart can be at peace. Love is silence. The same silence is in reading. When you're doing something that demands concentration, all the noise in the background vanishes.
Every day is a goal in itself
Smoking kills; but only love will break your heart
There is sexual beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty, but who cares. We are all still seeking our soul mate, somebody we could spend our life, somebody who is sexual attractive in a way, that you always feel like a little boy or girl and with whom you can communicate a lot on an intellectual level. I believe then is beauty taken out in the physical way from this person.
You’ve got to be able to lose everything you have for a kiss, a smile, a good song.
All the best things happen by accident
Language is music, it’s chords and rhythms, and it’s easy to remember them.
It’s the magic of music. You just lose yourself in it and forget yourself, and in those moments nothing else matters.
You never bask in the sunshine; instead you think about the rainy day and the next challenge.
If you are friends with someone, you don’t give a fuck if your friend likes Madonna, or is a boy and likes boys, or likes red meat. It doesn’t mean that you have to like boys, or eat meat, or like Madonna. You can just enjoy their company.
I’ve done a lot of different things, and that’s why our band is the way it is because I have never found the right combination that would include all the sensitivity and strength at the same time.
I’m just bad at letting go of things.
I always find a warm home in a song, when it’s raining outside symbolically
I play an acoustic guitar at home, and then we go to our rehearsal place and make some songs, and when they feel right, when you’re smiling while trying not to cry, then we are about where we want to be musically
You have to keep your eyes and ears open and see what the future brings and not be afraid to jump into any strange ravines. You can usually always find the bottom.
I only worked in my daddy’s shop for a couple of weeks and it has nothing to do with my songwriting. I am not writing about my cock, I’m writing about my heart.
Everything in my life has revolved around love. That’s my way of seeing things, through that pinkish lens. It’s not necessarily what makes me happy, but it’s the only reason I wake up in the morning.
If you play “Love me tender” I will cry. That song unlocks a lock in my heart that no one else has been able to.
There aren’t moments where I feel the pure essence of happiness, and I guess that’s the reason I write songs. I don’t know what I’m looking for. I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, Bono Vox once said, or sang. So, I don’t know. There are moments of enjoyment. I don’t know if moments of joy can be interpreted as happiness.
There’s more than 30 words describing snow in the Eskimo languages, and there’s only one word describing love and that’s love. And love is always different. In Latin, I guess they have two different ones: one more spiritual and one more carnal love. But that’s about it, and it still doesn’t describe everything that a relationship is.
There are a lot of songs in the air, you just have to know how to pick them out.
All the artists are a bit fucked up… in the head or in the heart.
I didn’t have anything, besides music. And music was my only friend, and still is, to a certain extent. It’s the mirror that I have, to try and understand what’s going on in the world. I live through music, and I always have. It’s a blessing and a curse.
It is more as if you were wandering over the waters of the ocean of melancholy, but not really diving in
From my point of view love is nothing theoretical and at the same time there’s nothing practical in love. Love is never practical. Machines are, humans and love are not. That’s exactly what it is. It is the “Yin & Yang” –concept behind it. Of course we know, from fairytales, that there are things that can make love develop. But I don’t believe in such things. In my opinion 80% of the people compromise when it comes to love. They take what lies next to them to satisfy themselves and society.
I personally think that one day the door will open and someone will step into the room and everything around me will change. That might sound like a child talking. But I like the power of this believe.

I've got loads of ideas. I just have no idea what to do with those ideas
Take showers and change your underwear. That can impress women
It depends on love, because I don’t believe there should be only one word in the vocabulary for love, which is love. Because love is always different with different people, it’s based on different things"
I love hearts. They are symbols for life, love and humanity
Love is the funeral of hearts. Falling in love is the best way to kill your heart because then it`s not yours anymore. It`s laid in a coffin, waiting to be cremated
Women are always beautiful.
There`s always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they`re beautiful mistakes.
Music always starts with silence
'I love you', those three words are the beginning of every tragedy
When you do something, do it all the way
I need soul mates so that I can be who I am, naked. It’s not a question of gender. I want there to be someone who picks up my heavy, bleeding heart and takes it somewhere safe and warm.
To get rid of the demons or whatever you want to call it, you don't necessarily get rid of them, but you kind of can see them outside of yourself. So you get something ugly outside from yourself in front of you, on a piece of paper or in a song or whatever.
Everybody’s a piece of art. Everybody’s got a story to tell. Everybody tells it in different ways, some people tell it the way they walk, some people tell it the way they talk or the way they smile.
Love, and relationships in general. That’s the only force that keeps my world turning, so it’s obvious for me to write about it. You can never pick the person you fall in love with. Love knocks on your door and smashes its velvety hammer in your face, and you’re hooked.
There's always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they're beautiful mistakes.
I don’t know anything about life yet. Life is like a puzzle and my pieces are spread all over the world. I don’t have a clue about how the final picture will look when I put all the pieces together. Life is short and love is over in the morning.
That's the best way, and the easiest way to ruin a day, to expect anything to happen.
Life is never easy. But it's good to know that as hard as it is, it is just as hard for everybody. There's always somebody feeling at least as horrible as you do.
People are bastards, but they're lovely bastards.
You have to destroy yourself and then put the pieces back together to be even able to love!
It’s not impossible… you just have to find the right partner. And I’m still looking for that person. Even though I’m getting the feeling that I’m not made for long-term relationships- that’s why it never lasts long for me. But you should never forget: If someone seriously means something to you it doesn’t matter where you are. When you close your eyes and go to bed you are thinking of the person you truly love!
I read bits and pieces. But good conversations in a bar can be poetry. I keep my eyes and ears open. There are a lot of things to write about. It’s always hard to put your emotions and feelings into words; it’s a challenge. But I’m thankful to be challenged when it comes to that.
It’s like a relationship: you should enjoy things while they last. Hopefully, they’ll last the rest of your life, but there are no guarantees.
It’s a miraculous journey: the song, from me, sitting on the floor in my underwear; just woken up with a cup of coffee and a cigarette in my mouth, strumming an acoustic guitar. Seeing that little tiny idea travel at light speed to when it’s actually played on the radio and we’re shooting a video for it. It’s miraculous! I definitely don’t want to destroy any of the magic behind that.”
At the end of the day I just want to be happy
I’ve been trying to understand the world outside me and whitin me for the past 18 years by writing songs. That’s my self therapy. It’s what I have been doing since I was a kid. Whenever I get into a gloomy mood I start writing a song and that usually makes me feel better. It helps me get some of the demons exorcised out of me. Song writing helps me continue to live and it’s an essential path of existence for me.
Music is something that never turns its back on me.
The most important things are that you are honest with yourself and that making music comes from your heart
Music is my ticket to get away from everyday life.
Isn’t love so wonderfully difficult? I always think everything through heart
There are many important things in life. And there is many different kind of love out there. But I have to say that love is really important.
Melancholy is nothing negative, it is a positive feeling. It has nothing to do with depressions, it' s a feeling for longing.
When you start losing what you love the most, that’s the time to do something.
Its like you've got to destroy something beautiful to rebuild something even more beautiful.Its devastating to me, but its devastating to me in a peculiarly beautiful way.Its like Edward Munch's ''The Scream'' - but with pastel colors
Good relationships are based on...eternal suffering
There's always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they're beautiful mistakes.
Love is madness, you can't put it in doses, it either surges over or under.
Music's the only love that has never left me
Silence is more like a spiritual thing: A moment when your heart can be at peace. Love is silence. The same silence is in reading. When you're doing something that demands concentration, all the noise in the background vanishes.
Every day is a goal in itself
Smoking kills; but only love will break your heart
There is sexual beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty, but who cares. We are all still seeking our soul mate, somebody we could spend our life, somebody who is sexual attractive in a way, that you always feel like a little boy or girl and with whom you can communicate a lot on an intellectual level. I believe then is beauty taken out in the physical way from this person.
You’ve got to be able to lose everything you have for a kiss, a smile, a good song.
All the best things happen by accident
Language is music, it’s chords and rhythms, and it’s easy to remember them.
It’s the magic of music. You just lose yourself in it and forget yourself, and in those moments nothing else matters.
You never bask in the sunshine; instead you think about the rainy day and the next challenge.
If you are friends with someone, you don’t give a fuck if your friend likes Madonna, or is a boy and likes boys, or likes red meat. It doesn’t mean that you have to like boys, or eat meat, or like Madonna. You can just enjoy their company.
I’ve done a lot of different things, and that’s why our band is the way it is because I have never found the right combination that would include all the sensitivity and strength at the same time.
I’m just bad at letting go of things.
I always find a warm home in a song, when it’s raining outside symbolically
I play an acoustic guitar at home, and then we go to our rehearsal place and make some songs, and when they feel right, when you’re smiling while trying not to cry, then we are about where we want to be musically
You have to keep your eyes and ears open and see what the future brings and not be afraid to jump into any strange ravines. You can usually always find the bottom.
I only worked in my daddy’s shop for a couple of weeks and it has nothing to do with my songwriting. I am not writing about my cock, I’m writing about my heart.
Everything in my life has revolved around love. That’s my way of seeing things, through that pinkish lens. It’s not necessarily what makes me happy, but it’s the only reason I wake up in the morning.
If you play “Love me tender” I will cry. That song unlocks a lock in my heart that no one else has been able to.
There aren’t moments where I feel the pure essence of happiness, and I guess that’s the reason I write songs. I don’t know what I’m looking for. I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, Bono Vox once said, or sang. So, I don’t know. There are moments of enjoyment. I don’t know if moments of joy can be interpreted as happiness.
There’s more than 30 words describing snow in the Eskimo languages, and there’s only one word describing love and that’s love. And love is always different. In Latin, I guess they have two different ones: one more spiritual and one more carnal love. But that’s about it, and it still doesn’t describe everything that a relationship is.
There are a lot of songs in the air, you just have to know how to pick them out.
All the artists are a bit fucked up… in the head or in the heart.
I didn’t have anything, besides music. And music was my only friend, and still is, to a certain extent. It’s the mirror that I have, to try and understand what’s going on in the world. I live through music, and I always have. It’s a blessing and a curse.
It is more as if you were wandering over the waters of the ocean of melancholy, but not really diving in
From my point of view love is nothing theoretical and at the same time there’s nothing practical in love. Love is never practical. Machines are, humans and love are not. That’s exactly what it is. It is the “Yin & Yang” –concept behind it. Of course we know, from fairytales, that there are things that can make love develop. But I don’t believe in such things. In my opinion 80% of the people compromise when it comes to love. They take what lies next to them to satisfy themselves and society.
I personally think that one day the door will open and someone will step into the room and everything around me will change. That might sound like a child talking. But I like the power of this believe.

On October 21, Revolver posted a reader’s poll right here on our website, RevolverMag.com, asking you to vote for who is the single Hottest Dude in Hard Rock or Metal, inspired by fan requests for more coverage of “Hot Dudes” to complement our annual Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock issue. The response blew our minds: Over 100 musician names were written onto the ballot by the fans (on top of the 16 we had nominated to kick things off), and more than 400,000 votes have been cast. Perhaps most impressive, though, some 150,000 of those votes went to Ville Valo, the frontman of Finnish “love metal” outfit HIM. Valo and his band have been largely radio silent for the last year, except for news that HIM had parted with record label, Sire/Warner, in March, and then, in September, that they were working on the follow-up to their last record, 2010’s Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice. Considering his big win, however, we decided that we had to track Valo down and drag him, at least temporarily, out of his fortress of solitude for a comment. And fortunately for us, the always-charming musician didn’t put up too much resistance.
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понедельник, 28 ноября 2011
Старит - скулы, затененные темными румянами
Ярко выраженные скулы придают лицу утонченность, но, увы, прибавляют и возраста. Вспомните Марлен Дитрих – даже на фотографиях в молодости она выглядела очень взросло. Если вам по каким-то причинам необходимо выглядеть старше, затемните впадинку скул матовыми коричневатыми румянами, как это делает Виктория Бекхэм (на фото - слева).
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Старит - скулы, затененные темными румянами
Ярко выраженные скулы придают лицу утонченность, но, увы, прибавляют и возраста. Вспомните Марлен Дитрих – даже на фотографиях в молодости она выглядела очень взросло. Если вам по каким-то причинам необходимо выглядеть старше, затемните впадинку скул матовыми коричневатыми румянами, как это делает Виктория Бекхэм (на фото - слева).
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воскресенье, 27 ноября 2011
не нужно путать с интуицией. Так как в данном случае, речь идет об особом складе ума, который склонен подмечать детали, делать общие умозаключения на основе частного (и наоборот). К тому же, эти люди видят больше, чем им показывают и способны заглядывать вам в самую душу. |
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17.01.2010 в 01:27
Пишет Allois:Edouard Leon Cortes
Опять хочу в Париж...
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Оригинал записи и комментарии на LiveInternet.ru
пятница, 25 ноября 2011
22.11.2011 в 13:35
Пишет Случайный дневник:Самое страшное место на Черном море
Когда дети подрастают, они перестают верить в сказки. Разочарование волшебным миром обычно приходит с переходным периодом. Во время последнего путешествия я нашел то, что способно уничтожить детство разом: в этом небольшом детском парке сказочные герои предстают жуткими монстрами. Возможно, именно поэтому погиб знаменитый черноморский курорт Сергеевка: сейчас он представляет собой жалкое зрелище: неухоженные пляжи, брошенные дома и заброшенные отели. Виной всему - этот совсем не детский парк.

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URL записиКогда дети подрастают, они перестают верить в сказки. Разочарование волшебным миром обычно приходит с переходным периодом. Во время последнего путешествия я нашел то, что способно уничтожить детство разом: в этом небольшом детском парке сказочные герои предстают жуткими монстрами. Возможно, именно поэтому погиб знаменитый черноморский курорт Сергеевка: сейчас он представляет собой жалкое зрелище: неухоженные пляжи, брошенные дома и заброшенные отели. Виной всему - этот совсем не детский парк.
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23.11.2011 в 11:30
Пишет Случайный дневник:5 бабушкиных рецептов
Домашние рецепты - это часто не только способ сэкономить, но и реальный метод решить проблемы, не поддающиеся дорогим средствам из магазина. GlamBox собрал 5 самых интересных рецептов с хорошими отзывами, чтобы поделиться с Вами.
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24.11.2011 в 11:19
Пишет Случайный дневник:Креативный директор агентства Сarmichael Lynch Брок Дэвис ( Brock Davis ) придумал удивительный способ тренировки творческих способностей.
Для любого, а особенно начинающего фотографа или дизайнера очень важно постоянно держать себя в творческом тонусе, ежедневно упражняясь в креативном мышлении и мировосприятии. Дизайнер, художник, музыкант и в настоящее время креативный директор американского рекламного агентства Брок Дэвис придумал простой и гениальный способ под названием "Каждый день делай что-то крутое" (Make Something Cool Every Day).
Суть его заключается в следующем: каждый день 365 дней в году нужно придумывать и создавать что-то необычное и интересное: фотография, иллюстрация, поделка, логотип, идея и так далее. Без выходных и на протяжении всего 2009 года Брок Дэвис работал над собственым проектом, создавая себе портфолио и нарабатывая базу для дальнейшего творчества.
AdMe.ru выбрал 30 самых лучших работ проекта "Каждый день делай что-то крутое".
Агентство Сarmichael Lynch занимается креативным обслуживанием Subaru , Harley Davidson , Time Magazine, Esquire, Porsche и других брендов. Брок Дэвис принес агентству Каннского льва, награды Clio, Andy, Effies и других международных рекламных агентств. Помимо работы креативным директором Брок Дэвис занимается персональными проектами в области фотографии и дизайна.
URL записиДля любого, а особенно начинающего фотографа или дизайнера очень важно постоянно держать себя в творческом тонусе, ежедневно упражняясь в креативном мышлении и мировосприятии. Дизайнер, художник, музыкант и в настоящее время креативный директор американского рекламного агентства Брок Дэвис придумал простой и гениальный способ под названием "Каждый день делай что-то крутое" (Make Something Cool Every Day).
Суть его заключается в следующем: каждый день 365 дней в году нужно придумывать и создавать что-то необычное и интересное: фотография, иллюстрация, поделка, логотип, идея и так далее. Без выходных и на протяжении всего 2009 года Брок Дэвис работал над собственым проектом, создавая себе портфолио и нарабатывая базу для дальнейшего творчества.
AdMe.ru выбрал 30 самых лучших работ проекта "Каждый день делай что-то крутое".
Агентство Сarmichael Lynch занимается креативным обслуживанием Subaru , Harley Davidson , Time Magazine, Esquire, Porsche и других брендов. Брок Дэвис принес агентству Каннского льва, награды Clio, Andy, Effies и других международных рекламных агентств. Помимо работы креативным директором Брок Дэвис занимается персональными проектами в области фотографии и дизайна.
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